As I have previously lamented, I’ve been out-casted from Adsense. Although I am still trying to appeal my case and regain entrance, it’s given me the opportunity to try out some of their competitors.
My first trial has been Bidvertiser. Their ads appear very similar to Adsense. They have two major differences, however. One I like, a couple I don’t like.
Let’s start with what I like: they don’t recognize multiple clicks to an ad or continuous clicks on the same ad. One common complaint I’ve read about from Google is that instead of not recognizing multiple clicks on the same ad, they consider this click fraud–an event that gets you banished from their program with no warnings. This also means that a competitor, an enemy, or sometimes even a helpful friend might click on your ads repeatedly either to help you out or shut you down. Once this happens, you have little recourse. While I’m sure there are disadvantages to this system, at least I don’t live in fear that I’ll fall prey to sabotage one day and have all my earnings yanked away from me.
The first thing I don’t like about Bidvertiser is they don’t use keywords to display ads. I’ve found that instead of displaying a lot of different ads, they are displaying the same ones over and over on my pages. I’d much rather have a variety of ads being displayed because it would increase my potential of gaining revenue from them.
The second thing I don’t like is they only pay per clicks. With Adsense, you gained revenue through both CPM and CPC. CPM means cost per cost per thousand (remember M is the Roman numeral for thousand). With a program that pays CPM, you get revenue simply for displaying the ads. CTC (Cost per click) programs only pay you if someone clicks on the ad.
However, I’ve noticed that Bidvertiser seems to pay more per click than Adsense did. But I’m only about two days into my Adsense exile and I’m sure I’ve a ton more to learn.
Hopefully, I’ll receive a positive answer from Adsense soon. I hope that it comes tomorrow, but I know it could take a week or even more.
I hate waiting.